Thursday, June 23, 2011

This is so exciting!  This blog is going to be a smattering of my photography and my life.  Both of which are deeply intertwined.  I don't go anywhere without my camera.  I take it into restaurants with me.  I embarrass my kids when in said restaurants.  Just this weekend my daughter said, "Mom, people think it's weird when you take pictures in restaurants."  I shrugged it off and kept doing what I was doing.  Of course, I wasn't taking pictures of the people, I was taking pictures of the decor and the lights.  That's what I do.  If I see something interesting, I photograph it.  Sometimes it comes out awesome, sometimes, I have to re-think it and go back again.

Photography is my passion.  I simply love it in all it's forms.  I hope you come along on my journey.  I'd love to share it with you!

1 comment:

Heath said...

If people aren't staring at you, the pic will most likely be boring. :)